
Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday 21 October 2024

A Wrap Dress from Jenerique.

Morning all. 
How are you my friends?

I’ve blinked and missed the weekend! Surely it’s only Friday? Ha ha, I’m joking really but to be honest with you my weekend was so busy it came and went in a flash!
Friday night I was back to ballroom. We took on a jive and as usual I picked it up quite well and throughly enjoyed the whole dance, well we only learnt half the routine and will finish it off next week. 
On Saturday morning I helped my eldest daughter out and took one of her boys to football. After a last minute change of venue the game started in the rain, and fortunately I anticipated the wet weather and took my rain coat and umbrella. Alas it turned chilly by the end of the 40 minute game and I was rather happy to get home. 
I soon warmed up as I went to my daughter’s house, the one who’s living with me whilst her house is extended, for a day of painting. We started with a base layer of mist spray which was the worst part of painting. Once all the upstairs rooms had one coat of the mist spray we started on a proper coat of paint, we went round all the rooms before returning home for an Indian takeaway and a much needed glass of bubbles. 
The following day, after doing a clean for my daughter at her Air BNB, I went back to paint again, this time after finishing the landing I started on the downstairs. Another mist coat which is a watery half mix of paint was applied. It’s a big room with the kitchen, dining area and sitting room all in one place and although it took ages, we managed to get it all done. We’ll tackle that room in the week with proper paint and hope to see the difference in no time, painting a room really starts to make a room more like a liveable room doesn’t it? After a busy weekend of hard work it was wonderful to come home to a home cooked dinner of chicken, mushroom and leek pie served with baby roast potatoes, tender-stem broccoli and peas. Isn’t it nicer to have dinner cooked for you?
As you can imagine I didn’t have time to take photos, which is a real shame - I’ve been wearing so many wonderful autumnal outfits since I came home, so I’ll share a cute dress I took away with me to Sicily. 

Items Marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Thursday 17 October 2024

Trending Leoprint & Red - Chicandstylish Linkup

Good morning my friends. 
How are you all?

Feeling typical holiday blues recently. I adore going away, but hate coming home to normality, that being said I love coming home to see the family. Didn’t have much washing so the suitcase’s and everything I packed is away. 

My holiday to Sicily was amazing, I had been worried visiting for a second time wouldn’t be as good, but I have to say it was every bit as fantastic as the first time. I’ll be posting about my trip in the next few weeks, so if you like The Godfather and Sicily do look out for it. 

Todays outfit is based around the trendy leopard print and red mix,  all shopped from my wardrobe and you’ve probably seen the clothes before, but it’s nice to play around with pieces in your wardrobe to find new looks isn’t it!


Monday 14 October 2024

Styling Cream Wide Leg Jeans.

Hi there lovelies. 
How you all doing?

I’m returning home from my exciting few days in Sicily today, hope you’ve seen what I’ve been doing on stories!
I feel like now I’ll be starting to get ready for Christmas, there’s decorations and goodies in the shops already so I’m planning on getting something every week so it won’t be too much of a rush nearer December. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.


Thursday 10 October 2024

Satin Slip Skirt with Lightweight Jacket - Chicandstylish Linkup.

Good morning everyone. 
I send you good wishes from Sicily!

I’m away for a few days so have this post planned in advance. The last couple of days have been the usual busy build up to my trip, there’s always so much to do and even though I try to plan everything that I need to get ready it’s still a mad rush at the last minute!

I’ve been checking the weather in Savoca and it’s apparently going to be a nice and hot in the high 20’s, which will be lovely.  I’m taking a few different outfits and plan to have a nice choice of dresses etc, shoes and jewellery.  We’ve been there before back in 2022 and it’s nice to know where the hotel and all the places we visited last time are. I’m hoping we’ll visit some new venues, so will be taking the guide with us (so long as I can find it) 😂.

Today I want to show you a ‘go to’ look that works so well for me. It’s a perfect number for nicer Autumn days when it’s not too cold and still fairly warm. We position have many more days like this so I’d switch a couple of pieces to make it suitable for colder days. Let me know if you like it my friends. 


Monday 7 October 2024

September Review.

Hi there everyone. 
Thanks for dropping in!

I’m getting ready for my little trip to Sicily on Wednesday. It’s a joint birthday present for David and me and you might remember the story of what happened when I gave my hubby his present! Catch the full post here, it’ll enlighten you as to what happened if you missed it!

Out to our friend's house on Saturday night and they really were the most perfect host’s. They cooked us a wonderful meal which comprised of steak pie made with gluten free pastry which was delicious, roast potatoes, homegrown runner beans, mushrooms and tenderstem broccoli. Tucking into this wonderful meal whilst enjoying delicious wine was the best, we talked and laughed and I had the best night.  Eton mess followed by cheese, biscuits and a glass of port followed! Now it wasn’t a late night but I have to say Sunday went very slowly, so much so I didn’t do anything but lay on the sofa! Way too much drinking involved but boy was it a good night. 

Even though it’s the 7th October, it’s the first Monday of October which means a quick recap of September’s outfits for the …
September Review

At the beginning of September the weather, like usual was changeable so lightweight trousers and tee shirts with a jacket are the perfect answer to our fickle temperatures. 
I noticed these flamboyant wide leg trousers immediately I saw them and picked up the top at the same time. The oversized jacket is a thin fabric that makes it a good addition for a mix of weather. 


Thursday 3 October 2024

Life Insurance & My Trip to Porto - Chicandstylish Linkup

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.
Hope you are good. 

I'm so pleased you stopped by today! The much anticipated blog post about my trip to Porto is here!
Do you remember I mentioned both David and I had our 60th birthday’s this year and we were elated to have been given this amazing present from our 5 kids and their partners.  Yes they’d planned a wonderful long weekend to Porto in Portugal where the Port comes from and what an interesting and memorable few days we had.

The older I get the more I realise how important life is!  Life is for living each day to the full, as you never know what is round the corner.  It's often hard to get out and do the things you want to do isn't it, but I'm a firm believer in making time to do something different it will fulfill you in ways you wouldn't imagine.  Some years ago I returned to ballet lessons and after that I joined a ballroom class, and I've got lots on my agenda to try out, I'd like to try painting, riding a horse and may learn to play the piano - these might not happen but it's all about setting goals or making some kind of bucket list!  I'm becoming more and more aware of losing people in my life - my dad passed away some months ago - we had an estranged relationship but it's still hard to accept things won't be the same. That's why I'd recommend some sort of life insurance.  Life can take an unexpected turn and leave loved ones stranded, not something I'd wish on anyone, affordable life insurance is easy to get and very much worth it.  Why not see what your possibilities are, it's never too late and really easy to find out all the details like monthly costs etc and would, in my opinion, be money well spent and give you peace of mind for sure.

Now let's get back to my weekend in Porto. We flew from Stanstead early on the Saturday morning and enjoyed the 2 hour 10 min flight watching a film on David's phone and polishing off a couple of drinks and a cheese and ham toasty.  After a bit of a hiccup with our transfer (the driver didn't turn up), we jumped in a taxi and were soon on our way to our little hotel.  The transfer was only a 25 minute drive, so before we knew it we'd arrived.  Check in wasn't until 3 pm so we dropped off our suitcase and bag and went off to explore.  


Monday 30 September 2024

Style not Age share their Secondhand outfits.

Good morning everyone. 
Hope you’re well. 

I’m actually shocked at the fact it’s October tomorrow … October how did that happen! I’ve even spotted some Xmas decorations in my local Sainsbury’s along with mince pies and Christmas puddings, it’ll be fairy lights and tinsel before we know it! That being said I need to order my turkeys soon. We order from a local turkey farm and I have to say they are always delicious. One year our turkey had a pretty pinkish tinge, this was a result of them being fed on the remnants of butternut squash in the surrounding fields. 
I went to a lovely family event yesterday, it was my niece’s daughter’s christening and it was lovely to join all the family for a good old catch up! It was held in the church she got married in and then at a local pub. Obviously I enjoyed a couple of glasses of fizz along with some tasty party food - anyone else love party food? I always end up eating too much only seconded by eating too much cake!

Our challenge this month was set by Gail, she liked the idea suggested by Hilda so this month we’re styling our 
Secondhand September outfits. 


Thursday 26 September 2024

Chicandstylish Linkup

Dear friends,
Thanks so much for joining me today.

Been tied up with the family over the past few days, so just the linkup today. I do hope you share your amazing outfits and let me know what you’ve been up to. 

Still working on this post about Porto, but here’s a taster of the stunning views. 


Tuesday 24 September 2024

My Damart Jumper.

Morning everyone. 
Hope your weekend went well and the new week is off to a good start. Sorry for the late post, the weekend seemed to just run away from me!

I’ve been doing some building work on Saturday and Sunday (well sort of building work). I’ve been helping David and my son-in-law with plaster-boarding (fetching and carrying really) and generally tidying up getting ready for the plaster’s to be able to start work. My daughter and her son and hubby are still living with me and we’re all working hard to get them fully installed before their new baby arrives in November!

I’m still working on the blog post for my weekend in Porto so will get that ready as soon as possible. 

This isn’t something I’d normally go for, but the soft chunky knit, that has a crochet looking details, caught my eye. 

Until then let’s take a look at this classic outfit featuring my new A line skirt and this dreamy jumper.

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Thursday 19 September 2024

Styling a vibrant jumpsuit - Chicandstylish Linkup

Good morning everyone.
Thanks for joining me today.

Apologies for no post on Monday, in my head I'd planned a post, but in reality it didn't materialise!
I've been away for a long weekend break to Porto in Portugal.  It was amazing and very much needed by both hubby and myself! You might recall it was a birthday present for the children, they all clubbed together for a joint 60th present and our trip away was the result.  They had planned to send us to Savoca in Sicily, but you can read all about that story here

Well I’m working on a post telling you all about Porto which will follow next week. Until then let me show you this vibrant jumpsuit that I was kindly gifted from Jenerique. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 

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