Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Monday 29 July 2024

Style not Age share Festival Finery

Morning my friends. 
How’s your world going?

Another jam packed week!
Out on Friday afternoon for my friend’s 60th birthday celebration, you remember the weekend away to Benenden well it was for her birthday and she’d hired a beach hut in Whitstable. It was lovely to sit and chat to some of our mutual friends, meet some of her school friends (anyone else have friends who tell you about their other friends so you feel like you know them?) & catch up with friends you only meet at certain times. She’d bought some nibbles and soft drinks along with some fizz and cocktails. I only had one glass of Prosecco because I was driving and wanted to go to my ballroom class! Today’s post features the dress I wore, do let me know your thoughts. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Thursday 25 July 2024

What to wear in this changeable weather - Chic & Stylish #Linkup

Good morning my friends. 
How’s it going in your neck of the woods?

Gym classes are going well, I’m on my second week of Fight Club and I have to admit to it being harder than the first one! I felt exhausted on Wednesday evening and could have gone to bed really early. No ballet today so I’m off to the garden centre for a wander around with my mum and a spot of lunch!  I’ll probably try to get some bedding plants for a couple of pots that need filling so it’ll be nice to see what they have on offer!

With very much changeable weather in the UK it’s been hard to know what to wear! I’ve started off each day either with something warm on or cooler clothes, it’s been a real conundrum! 
I bought these red palazzo trousers on Vinted a while back. I love to have a look through to see what’s for sale, and there’s always so much choice. Trouble is you never know if it’s the right material, size or fit and that’s the main reason I prefer real life buying rather than shopping online! I’m all for touching and seeing before I buy!

Lightweight trousers are a real winner in these conditions when it’s not hot or cold and it’s good to be able to add layers a bit like season changes eh!


Monday 22 July 2024

Airbnb in Benenden.

Hiya everyone. 
How’s your weekend gone?
Another busy one for me, so sorry for the late posting. 🌸

I’ve had a wonderful weekend away for a friend’s 60th and I found myself quite literally in the middle of nowhere!
Eight of us descended on a fabulous Airbnb in Benenden to celebrate the special birthday and we all had an amazing time. Our friend didn’t know we’d all be there so it was a big surprise for her to find us all waiting. 
We’d planned to stay in the accommodation most of the time only venturing out to visit a local Vineyard in the Kent countryside. A super market delivery had been arranged, so all the goodies were delivered just after we arrived.  One of our friends had made Friday’s evening meal which was delicious. It’s called Pastitsio which is a Greek dish comprising pasta, ground beef and béchamel sauce. She served it with a Greek salad and a cold glass of fizz. A traditional birthday cake followed and after nibbling on crisps, dips and olives earlier in the afternoon I was completely stuffed!


Wednesday 17 July 2024

Tea Dress - Chic & Stylish Linkup

Hiya, how are you today?
Has your week gone well?

Been a slower few days after a busy weekend. Time to collect my thoughts and start planning for the “Summer” I’ll use the term loosely as I doubt it’ll be the summer I or anyone else wants if I’m honest! Because it was so hectic for me Mondays post was rather late! You can read about my weekend and see the beautiful dress I wore here, I hope you’ll pop back for a browse.

We did have a little sunshine yesterday and it felt quite hot, but the sun was interrupted by clouds every so often, it’s such funny weather in the UK isn’t it!

You remember all the kerfuffle with my gym instructor leaving, well I’ve been trying out some different classes as they’ve all been switched around! Until yesterday I’d been trying Body Attack followed by Spin, but a friend suggested I have a go at Fight Club. The name has always put me off as I prefer more of a dance style class, but gave in and tried it! I loved it! I borrowed some gloves (the worst bit, because they smelt awful), so I’ll need to buy my own and very soon! Lots of jabbing, punching, uppercuts and body shots combined with star jumps, squats and jogging on the spot and the class was soon over! I’ve booked again for next week and hopefully I’ll have my own gloves by then!

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Monday 15 July 2024

This stunner is from Girl In Mind!

Hello and welcome to the blog. 
Big apologies for the late post today. 

Hope you’ve all had a super weekend. I’ve had a busy one this week. 
Friday was my wedding anniversary.  David and I celebrated 38 years married and went out for a fabulous meal out in a local restaurant called Birdies which is in the heart of Whitstable and is always busy! They have a divine menu and have always been renowned for their beef wellington and lobster with garlic sauce. Both David and I had these choices and I can confirm they were very tasty. 
After a few too many glasses of fizz and a couple of Jäger Bomb’s (don’t judge me),  I had a pretty bad morning and wondered if I’d make my visit to London on Saturday night!!

I had some food and a little nap before getting ready for the afternoon train and felt so much better. I vowed to take it easy this time, which I adhered to, well done me!
I love visiting London, there’s just something exciting about being there. With so much going on and plenty of people buzzing around I’m full of awe. I wonder what everyone is doing, where they are going and where they have come from, I’m just such a nosey person. 
We were with friends celebrating both David and my birthday’s. They’d booked an Italian restaurant called Circolo Poplare who have many restaurants over Europe and are most certainly popular dining choices - it was packed!
We had such an amazing meal highlighted with the notable carbonara served from a cheese bowl and the lemon meringue pie which was a-maze-ing! See piccys below!

I’m always on the hunt for new dresses and after seeing a friend wearing a similar style I just had to ask her where it was from. 
Girl in Mind is a new-to-me website which offers unique and interesting designs for that special occasion and once I saw this beauty I just had to buy it! As I was a new customer I enjoyed a 15% discount which made the stunning dress under £40!!! Have a look on there as they’ve got loads of lovely styles to muse over, let me know what you’d pick!💕


Thursday 11 July 2024

Monochromatic Green - Chic & Stylish Linkup

Good morning everyone. 
Thanks for stopping by. 

How’s your week gone? Another few days that have been a whirlwind, but without anything major happening!

I’m still getting used to my new gym classes. They seem to be going well and I’m getting settled into the new routines, trouble is one of the classes I’ve been going to for ages that has the same instructor is still as hard as when I started it. I did an exercise on Monday that had my feet against the wall facing out in a straight arm plank, moving backward into a bear squat and then forward to a press up! Well honestly it’s one of the hardest exercises I’ve ever done and yesterday I was still struggling to walk properly! I look like a 90 year old, wobbling around and needing to push myself up from even sitting!!! What’s that all about, I thought I was fit!!

Last night I just had to watch the football last night, the thrilling game had me on the edge of my seat, in fact the whole family were in a frenzy at times. We did it!  I'm not quite sure how, but we did it! England are through to the final , so I guess we all know what I'll be doing on Sunday now! Did you watch any of the games? 

Today’s outfit started off with a watch, my new watch it be exact and I’m thrilled with the design and colour. 

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Monday 8 July 2024

Summer Essentials with Bonmarche.

Good morning everyone. 
Hope you’re doing okay. 

Is it me or are the weekends getting shorter? Blink and I almost missed it, which is so annoying because I didn’t do very much either! What did you get up to?

Friday was my second week back to ballroom dancing. I realise I really did miss having all that time off and am excited to get back to normal. We’ve been learning the quickstep and it’s another I’ve grasped quite well and enjoy the speed of travelling across the floor with chasse’s, quarter turns and  fishtails. Are you a fan of ballroom dancing? I love any sort of dance and can usually pick up routines quite well. I started classes again to help with my memory, there’s nothing like a ballroom or ballet routine to keep the cogs turning, and whilst that’s happening fitness is improving at the same time!

Saturday I was in the garden addressing the hedge.
I vow every year to keep up the trimming so it’s not such a major job, and to be fair I think the reason I leave it is because the wet weather makes my garden so wet and squishy the tower I use just sinks in and it awfully hard to move. I’ll try to do the last cut before the wet weather arrives and after the growing stops! An easy dinner for me with another takeaway, I opted for a burger and chips and devoured it as I was so hungry after all the strenuous work (I cut the front lawn too!)

Sunday was a bit more chilled, David was working on the new build and putting some hung tiles on the outside wall, we’re having the majority rendered and the chap is hopefully coming today - weather permitting - have a look at my skills at tiling here!
One of the best things about having adult children who still live at home is sharing the cooking with them. So much so my youngest daughter cooked yesterday. She produced a delicious bolognaise tray bake comp with garlic bread, stick baguette and dips. The only bit I had to do was load the dishwasher - perfect Sunday for me. 💕

I did have two lovely afternoons out last week the first was meeting a friend who I’ve not seen since March. We went to a seaside hotel and had a wonderful lunch complete with a cheeky white wine spritzer - see my post last week for what I ate.  The very next day I went for afternoon tea for a friend’s 60th, we went to a local hotel which was a perfect setting and had the typical sandwiches and cakes laid out on a special stand. Copious amounts of tea was consumed and plenty of talking - can’t wait to do it again now! X

Do you wear shorts? I often save them for holiday wear or staying indoors or for gardening in the summer. But I’ve been impressed with these I was kindly gifted from Bonmarche last week!

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.


Thursday 4 July 2024

Lunch in the Hotel Continental - Chic & Stylish Linkup

Good morning my friends. 
All okay?

It’s been a busy week I’ve been out with friends twice!
On Tuesday I met a friend for lunch and we had lots to chat about as I’d not seen her since March! We went somewhere different and enjoyed some yummy food and a cheeky glass in a local venue the Hotel Continental. The weather was pants with wind and rain more in keeping with Autumn! Are we ever going to have nice weather to stay? 
I devoured a prawn and Marie Rose baguette along with salad and chips (nice thin chips that were extremely crunchy with a perfect amount of salt) and yes I ate it all! I did wear rather an inappropriate outfit though, my flip flops and white trousers were very much out of place and I should really have opted for boots and jeans with a rain coat to top it off! (It was pouring)
Wednesday I went with three friends for afternoon tea, we went to Hempstead House which is about 1/2 hour drive from me. The venue was stunning, very chintzy with swags and tails and chandeliers.  We were the only customers so very much had the room to ourselves. It was good to chat and put the world to rights over a tasty Afternoon Tea along with a big pot of tea each! It was for my friend’s 60th birthday, so it was lovely to elongate the celebrations as her birthday was earlier on in the year. 

I’m afraid I didn’t get a full length photo of what I wore for lunch, but here’s the bright yellow top that complimented my white trousers. 


Monday 1 July 2024

June Review

Hi there, how are you?
Hope your weekend went well, did you do anything exciting?
Just a stay-at-home weekend for me. I spent the whole of Saturday in the garden trimming the hedge, it’s still a mammoth job and boy did I ache after stopping late afternoon, (with still more to do) but I’m impressed with what I’d got done! 
On Sunday, typically UK weather and it rained all day, bit of a godsend really as I didn’t fancy more trimming so will save that for one day in the week when I’m more rested!
I cooked a Spanish chicken with roast potatoes, coleslaw, asparagus, salad and corn on the cob. Which, I must say, was very tasty, it’s nice to have a slightly different dinner once in a while, I’d hate to say I was bored with a traditional roast. I’ve got a busy week as I’m out to lunch with a friend Tuesday and have a birthday Afternoon Tea with some other friends on Wednesday. Praying it’s going to be nice weather for both, it’s not nice walking out in the rain is it!

They had a lemon theme this season and I’m sure you’ll find many styles you love as do I. 

June Review.

For the first post in June I was delighted to feature some pieces from the stunning new collection from Bonmarche. They had a lemon theme this season and I’m sure you’ll find many styles you love as did I. 

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