How are you all doing?
Wow, welcome September. How on earth did that happen? I’m still waiting for Summer to arrive and Autumn has rocked up instead. Maybe Mother Nature will be nice and friendly and share some good weather for the new season - I’m talking warm temperatures, nothing too hot and any rain to be had at nighttime please 🙏. Then I can wear suitable outfits for the odd hot flush that I’m still getting (it’s getting boring now)!
With that being said I’ve been wearing my favourite 'go to' styles over the past few days, wide leg trousers and blazers have a certain flair and it’s a style I feel so at home in.
It’s been a busy weekend for sure. Friday I went to my usual dance class, we learnt some Foxtrot steps, adding to my repertoire nicely. I just need an occasion to show them off now!
Saturday I spent the morning working at my daughters house. I’m very hands on and love to get involved with the labouring side of the build. They were stripping the roof of tiles and wood as it’s all got to come off in order for the extra building to make it a house! I was loading the wheelbarrow and unloading it into the skip. I have to admit to feeling great in the afternoon and didn’t even suffer the next day either.
I popped into town in the afternoon to return the broken sandals, alas they didn’t have any in store so I got a refund. I might look at some chunky trainers as I think they’ll be more worthy come the Autumn. I did come home with a few new pieces though. I’m planning on trying a capsule wardrobe and khaki is my preferred colour, so far I’ve got a new slinky skirt, a skinny jumper, a roll neck stretchy chiffon top that’s snakeskin and a khaki shirt dress - I’ve a gorgeous pair of green loafers that will team beautifully with them all. 🥰
As it’s the first Monday of the month this post is dedicated to last months styles, so welcome to the …
August Review.
Another busy beginning of a month for me last month, so I only shared my outfit that I wore to the Barbie movie, have you seen it yet? I quite enjoyed it really - what did you think?
An amazing pair of sliders were next up, I’ve been so happy to wear these over the last month, and to be honest I’ve had them on my feet at every opportunity - they are so comfortable and easy on the feet & they look very cute.
What would you wear for a walk in the woods? Checkout what I picked for a morning of fun with the kids and grandkids when we went to Oare Gunpowder Mill. I think I was suitably dressed for the warm sunny weather in my denim shirt dress. Have a look at my stunning photos on the blog post.
The next post is about another day trip to the Rare Breeds Center in Ashford. I didn’t get any photos of me, but please look back there to see the animals I posted about. They photo may be a bit confusing as it’s what I wore for a dinner date with friends.
Anyone else just like to get dressed up in a pretty dress for no reason, hope it’s not just me! I’ve still not worn this stunning wrap dress yet, but as soon as I do, you’ll be the first to see my friends. 💕💙
Do you follow the ladies from Style not Age? Last month we shared our crochet outfits and you can read all about mine on the post here. I’m still undecided as to whether or not to keep it as it’s too long on me! Any ideas of how to shorten it?
The final outfit for August is one of my ‘go to’ styles that I feel right at home in. Wide-leg-trouser-with-blazer combo is so easy to wear and has become my uniform for lots of occasions. Is it one you like to wear? Let me know in the comments if you do or what your at home style is.
Hope you enjoyed my busy month as much as I did, what was your favourite style? It seems September will be just as manic with my daughter, her hubby and son living with me.
I’ll see you on Monday for another old faithful outfit and later this month I’ll be sharing a new facial gadget with you, I’m so excited for you to see it!
See you soon my friends.
Bye for now. X

What a stylish month you have had. And your skin is glowing too. I do not think my back would allow me do the work you have been doing on your daughter's house though!