Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger for the over Fifties - What real women wear!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Smart Skirt, Casual Tee - Chicandstylish Linkup

Hello and thanks for stopping by. 
How are you all doing?

I’ve been enjoying a few quieter days and haven’t even been to the gym so had a bit of time for photo taking and reel making. I’ve got a lot more enthusiasm for Instagram recently which has been really helpful. Do pop over to check them out and let me know what you think. If you’d like to follow me on there, here’s a link!

I’ve planned to pop into town today, first time in ages! I've been so disillusioned with the local shops and hope they might have improved! Fingers crossed for that! I want to see what’s ‘new in’ in M & S along with Zara and H & M, have you been checking the stores out in person or seeing what’s new online?

Today’s outfit is all shopped from my wardrobe and came about because of this satin skirt. Read on to find the backstory to this slinky midi. 


Monday 26 August 2024

Style not Age - Lovely Linen.

Hello and welcome to my blog.
If you're new here, I'm an over 50 year old blogger who likes to share my own styles and a bit of my lifestyle with you and maybe a few holidays thrown into the mix too!  Good to have you here. X
Wow what a weekend that was! I did something every day and today I’ve got nothing on so I’m just going to sit back relax and take it easy! 
Friday I was excited to be taken out to lunch for a belated 60th birthday present. The Pig in Bridge was the venue and what a lovely place it is. 
Situated on the outskirts of Canterbury this red brick building is an interesting old house that’s had a rock and roll lifestyle of its own. Back in the day it was a country club and hosted disco’s over weekends and was definitely the place to be! I remember spending many a night dancing, drinking and generally partying into the early hours. Taking full advantage of the checkered dance floor and basement restaurant on many occasions!  Fast forward to the 2020’s and it’s now a renowned restaurant chain sharing signature pig touches including some mouthwatering ‘piggy bits’, fish and meat dishes from within a 25 mile radius along with home grown vegetables that you can wander around the gardens to see them growing, it’s not unusual to have the menu change twice in one day depending on what’s available from the garden. 
I actually opted for a small lamb plate and throughly enjoyed it and knowing I was out again in the evening and wanted a lighter lunch to make room for the delicious meal I’d be having in the evening. 
Friday night I went for my last ever meal to my favourite restaurant Reads. You might have seen me mention this venue in the past as David and I often had our anniversary meal there. So the couple who own it are retiring, they’ve worked as restaurateurs for over 47 years and much to the sadness of many customers have decided to finally shut the doors for the last time. David, my mum & uncle and my sister and her husband enjoyed one final wonderful evening there along with a full restaurant of valued customers. I opted a lighter option and had halibut which was divine as was the cheese soufflé and panna cotta. Sorry if I’ve made you hungry!

Saturday night we dined with friends. Their new house, which overlooks the coast,  had me oo-ing and arrhh-ing at the modern interior which was stunning - given me lots of ideas for our new build. 

Sunday afternoon was my mum’s annual garden party. Thirty five of us gathered in her garden to drink eat and be merry. We were fortunate to just about avoid the rain, we had a big downpour for about 5 mins which dried up nicely making way for warm sunshine which was a joy. The kids spent the afternoon on a bouncy castle and we all relished the homemade dishes we’d all taken. A much better plan to take dishes so it wasn’t all down to one person to prepare. I took pate and coronation chicken which I have to add all got eaten! It wasn’t a late night so I got to relax on the sofa and have an early night. 

It’s nearer the end of the month which can only mean me and the style not age ladies taking centre stage and sharing our  …

Lovely Linen outfits with you!


Thursday 22 August 2024

Leopard Print Skirt Styling - Chicandstylish #Linkup

Morning all. 
How’s your world treating you?

Nothing much to report really, just a normal week so far but a busy weekend on the horizon for me. 
I missed gym on Monday after not feeling 100% so Wednesday’s were my only two classes this week. I’m still going to Fight Club and have to admit to struggling with the routine yesterday! Maybe it’s because I’m getting over a cold or just getting old but trying to grasp the whole routine was a nightmare, I kept having to stop and I think the instructor had given up on me! If you’re messing up the routine you have to go and do either press up’s or burpees so guess who was doing those first! 😂. So fingers crossed I’ll be back to normal and grasp the workout quicker next week or I might have to consider doing a different class! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
On a better note though I went through the jacket section of my wardrobe and added a few, that I didn’t want anymore, to Vinted. I’ve got rid of about 5 so far, only for a few £’s but it’s good to pass them on and give them a new lease of life isn’t it! Do you sell on Vinted or what’s a similar site where you are?

Today I’m sharing something I wore on Tuesday to visit my mum, it’s an old faithful skirt and new Tee shirt & I’m really pleased with the look. Do let me know your thoughts. 


Monday 19 August 2024

New Season Essentials from Bonmarche.

Good morning my friends.
Seems we're flying through August aren't we!

After hectic weeks It's been good to slow down and enjoy a quieter weekend. I had Max on Saturday and introduced him to the Peter Rabbit film. It’s all about the children’s story written by Beatrix Potter featuring the fictional character Peter and his family and shares all the funny antics they get up to. Peter is voiced by James Corden, whose wit and personality shines through - do watch it with your kids, grandkids or just watch it alone, it’s a fun one to see - I guarantee you’ll love it. 
Max was smitten and nearly watched it all the way through! I was in my element too as I really enjoy watching kids films. 

Sunday we had a small BBQ nothing fancy but it was good. My daughter prepared most of the food, with the help of my other daughter and my son was in charge of bbq-ing so I could sit back and relax and then enjoy some delicious food making the most of the warmer albeit cloudy weather by sitting in the garden - I’m not sure how long that’ll be happening eh! I’ve also noticed the thing I hate! The nights are starting to draw in! Winter will be upon us before we know it! Urgh!

As promised on Thursday today I'm sharing some new in pieces from Bonmarche.

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.


Thursday 15 August 2024

Two Nights in Cornwall - Chicandstylish Linkup

Hi there,
How are you today?

I've had a wonderful couple of days away followed by a busy couple of days with the kids.  If you didn't know I went to Cornwall with my mum and sister for my uncle's 80th birthday.  He lives in a remote area near the South West coast in a little place near Lostwithiel.  It's beautiful down there with stunning scenery which I hasten to add was even more improved by the fact that it was hot and sunny.  I've been when it's rained and even though it's very damp and dreary still looks very picturesque. Have you even been to Cornwall?

Today's post is all about the wonderful couple of days I spent there, so I hope you enjoy my memories.


Monday 12 August 2024

Mixing a Slinky Skirt with a Casual Tee!

Hello and thanks for joining me today.
Here’s one I made earlier!

I’m away for a couple of days visiting my uncle in Cornwall as it’s his birthday. I’ve come down with my mum and sister on a 5 hour car ride to stay in a local-to-him hotel which is in Liskerd, I’ll share on IG stories what I get up to. 

It’s been a worry as to what to pack as the weather has been all over the show again, so as we’re driving I’ve packed to cover all eventualities … lol. I’ve got four dresses, and some wide leg trousers, sandals and trainers along with my new jean jacket. Please do have a look so you can see my new pieces. 

Ballroom on Friday was wonderful, I’ve really nailed the waltz routine and am “banana-ing” rather well even though I say it myself.  I really wished I’d learnt years ago! To be fair I love any kind of dancing and have a sense of dance that comes naturally, although some of the new faster styles are a bit too faster for me, I’ll leave that to the young ones - lol. 

Today I thought I'd show a more younger style that's trending at the moment.  I think it looks great, but you'll have to let me know your thoughts.  Is this a style you'd wear?

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments. 


Thursday 8 August 2024

Dark Florals for Autumn - Chicandstylish Linkup

Morning all.
How are you my lovely friends?

It’s been a great week after a busy weekend. 
Friday night was the usual ballroom class and we’ve been learning the waltz and I have to say it must be one of my favourite dances. I’m really getting to grips with it and enjoy sliding over the dance floor embracing every move with enthusiasm and vigour. I’m learning to lean back from the shoulders which makes the whole experience much more fulfilling (Strictly season is just around the corner so I’m all the more interested in getting it right - just incase eh! 😉)
Saturday night I went out with my sister and our hubby’s & you can hear and see our delicious dinner here.
On Sunday I looked after Max and did a bit of clearing up the spoil from the hedge I’d trimmed the day before, it was a slow day after my night out and I have to admit to not feeling like doing much at all!

Items marked with * have been gifted to me, however these are 100% my own honest comments.


Monday 5 August 2024

July Review.

Hello and welcome. 
Thanks for joining me today. 

I’ve had a lovely few days. Starting with lunch with my mum and sister on Thursday to a local hotel. We dined at Hempstead House which is about 3/4 hour away from me. I picked the burger and chips which was divine. I’ve added a piccy below. 
I ended up wearing an old maxi that looked a real picture. It was a dress I’d already worn to a wedding way back in 2022! I like to wear and rewear all my outfits, although it’s often harder to don a dress that’s been seen before but given a bit of time and different occasion it’s all good. Do you rewear your dresses again and again?


Thursday 1 August 2024

Styling a Stripey Dress - Chicandstylish Linkup

Wow, welcome August!
How on earth did that happen?  Way over half way through the year, we'll be talking about Christmas soon!

How's your week been? Mine's having a bit of a lull after a busy few weeks, I really need it though.
I went shopping with a friend on Monday, but have to say I was really underwhelmed by the shops in my local city of Canterbury.  So many stores have closed down making way for restaurants and eateries along with charity shops (nothing wrong with CS I might add) but all the big stores have gone from our town centres making it more like a ghost town.  M & S did have some lovely pieces (this skirt is on my wish list) and Fenwicks had lots of lovely dresses, sandals and shoes but with hefty price tags attached to them!
Needless to say I didn't come home with anything, but will be checking the skirt out online it’s got a cute little top to match it and I'll see what else they have to offer for home delivery too!

Today I’m actually going out with my mum and sister. We’re going to Hempstead House for lunch. I’ll let you know how it goes my friends. 

Today I’ll show a dress I bought when I popped out for a card!

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